Friday, August 17, 2012

Zyriek Family Olympics recap

We had a great time watching the Olympics and tracking our events to see who was going to come out on top in the Zyriek Family Olympics. We have learned some lessons on our rookie venture into family games. First, we need to pick more swimming events! USA does very well in swimming and you were almost guaranteed a medal each and every time they swam. Second, make sure the girls have some "gimmies" for their events. This time they had a few and it really mattered in the end with the scores ending up so close. Third, don't bank on Men's gymnastics!! We did well with women's but the men's events were terribles and losers for whomever had those events. Finally, figure out what events Auburn athletes are going to be in and make sure plenty of them are represented.

It was fun to keep score....somedays not so fun (when Caroline was losing or the end result was that no one medaled!) and in the end Anna was our winner edging out the rest of us. Her pick for a fun family night out is to return to Sky Zone the trampoline park for a night together. Caroline was in second place and her idea was Chuck E. Cheese. Good thing Anna won!!!

Bring on the winter Olympics!!

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