Saturday, August 25, 2012

Super Hero Day

In conjunction with the fundraisers at school, the girls dressed up for Super Hero day on Friday to promote being a "super fundraiser" for Harding. The girls of course jump at any chance at being out of uniform at school. Caroline wanted to go all out and she ended up being Batgirl. Party City did not even have their costumes out yet and the stockperson was less than thrilled at all the Harding moms coming in asking to bring out selections from the stock room. Anna, being the 4th grader that she is, was unsure about going all out in costume, so she settled for a super man cape. She liked it and felt good about her choice. Both girls had a great time at school and the kids in both classes really participated, especially the boys who all seem to have a spiderman, batman or superman costume readily available. I guess if it was princess day, that would be easy for all the girls!

bat girl and super anna ready to go!

caroline was in love with this outfit...wore it all day long at school!

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