Monday, August 13, 2012

First day of 4th grade!!

Anna starts 4th grade this year and I cannot believe how grown up she is becoming. At her school the 4th graders are on a different hallway from 1st-3rd graders, so she is the youngest on her hall. We went to Meet the Teacher on Friday night to meet Mrs. Reasons and see who was in her class. Slight debacle with the teacher assignment letters this year, but luckily I called the school and found out her teacher plus a few friends, so she was good to go. She was super shy on Friday night but hopefully that will change once she is in the classroom. First day of school was a good morning. She got right up and got dressed and was ready to go very early. We dropped off Caroline with my mom for the day since she does not start until Wednesday. Much to Anna's horror, we followed her to her classroom, had her pose for pictures with the principal (so glad to have Mrs. Stafford leading the school this year!!) and her teacher. She did not have much to unload and was ready to go. She is really growing up fast!!

ready to start 4th grade!

she is getting so grown up!

anna with mrs. stafford, the principal

anna with mrs. reasons

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