Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mudpie Mommas

Anna and Caroline along with some of Anna's friends from school were registered for the LuvMud 2012 mud race at Shelby Farms. We figured out a way to work around the soccer game that afternoon and the girls were excited about it. Then, Amy (mom to two of Anna's friends) asked if I wanted to run the race with her. We definitely decided to do the race and then got to working on our costume idea. Amy had the grand idea of us wearing aprons and chef hats and I named us the Mudpie Mommas. It was such a fun race and would highly recommend it. I was such an over-achiever that I went out and ran 10 1/2 miles that morning for my long run of the day and THEN did the LUVMud race which is a 5k off road on the trails at Shelby Farms including obstacles along the way and a mud pit at the end. My legs were on fire during the race and sweet Amy kept encouraging me along. We had a great time, got really muddy and so did the kids and enjoyed the day. The weather could not have been better and we look forward to doing this race or the nighttime LUVGlow race next year!

the mudpie mommas are dressed and ready to race!

we are off....what have we gotten ourselves into??

on the slip and slide....a blast!!

amy and i in the mudpit at the end. love the mud on our teeth.

i had a blast!!

using the hoses to clean up....that water was so cold!!

sophie, lainie, katie, anna and caroline after the kids race

this is how caroline chose to clean up afterwards!!

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