Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anna's triathlon

As if we needed something else to do the weekend of Gary's 24-hour bike race and Caroline's birthday, on Sunday we added the Memphis Thunder Kids' Triathlon. Anna has participated the past two years and seems to enjoy it. We try to have her practice a bit before the event, especially swimming since we are past going to the pool so regularly once school starts. She was nervous as usual, but did a great job. She was just a little slower than last year and that was on the bike portion but otherwise, improved on the swim and the run. We were very proud. Caroline is convinced she can do this next year but we told her she has to 1) be able to complete the swim without stopping (4 lengths of the pool) and 2)ditch the training wheels. We'll see how motivated she is by next summer to be ready.   These girls definitely have Gary's genetics with regard to athletics and sporting events. So proud that they get out there and get exercise.
looking good on the swim

running through transition #1

hanging in there on the bike

so glad she finished strong!

grampa was on hand to cheer and provide timing!

mimi and papa enjoyed their first kids tri!
so proud of anna finishing her third kids triathlon!

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