Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Arts and Crafts for Anna

Anna is definitely a creative child. She has really taken to sewing and between her classes at Bumbletees and her sewing camp at Harding really has a lot of confidence in her abilities! Her latest creation was an elastic waist skirt. She really did a great job and had extra fabric that she wants to sew on a white t-shirt to have something to match her skirt. So proud of her!

She joined Sophie, Lainie and Katie for a kids paint day at Art & Soul yesterday. The girls painted a peace sign with a zebra print at the top. They all turned out cute and enjoyed hanging out with each other. Anna told me that girls her age don't have "play dates" like Caroline does but rather they "hang out" with each other. Hilarious. Oh my, she is growing up on me!

love bumbletees!! they do such great classes for kids...now to get brave and take a class myself so i can catch up with anna!!

anna modeling her skirt and headband that she made!

katie, lainie, anna and sophie with their creations from art & soul

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