Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Potty Training

I am WAY over potty training Caroline....she has been using the potty for many, many months. Of course, she stays dry most days at school, so we all know that she can do it, but little Miss Sassy has to put her mind to it to be in the groove at home. Whew!! It really wears me out constantly taking her to the potty. I know that in a few months (hopefully sooner) this will all be in the past, but currently it is crazy!! I've tried to think of new things to incent her to use the potty. We have skittles, we have stickers, we all do the "potty dance"....ask any of the Zyrieks and we can perform it. Definitely the funniest quotes so far came from Caroline last week. I put her on her potty when she woke up last week and told her that all big people use the potty when they wake up...her response "I don't want to be THAT big yet". First runner-up for best quote was when I told her how fun it would be to wear panties all the time and not have to change pull-ups and her response was "I'm not ready for THAT much fun". Oh well. As I have been told, no one goes to kindergarten in diapers....we have progressed to pull ups and she does stay dry most of the time, but I just want it to be DONE!!!!

1 comment:

April S. said...

Tatum's school suggested a TREASURE BOX with little goodies from the Dollar Tree. We never did that since the Jelly Beans worked fine, but apparently she gets to make a trip to the Treasure Box at school if she goes #2 there. She used to do this big number at home at night, but she now saves it for school....like clockwork apparently...lol

Good luck....you know you guys LOVE doing the potty dance! Can we get a video posted of this??