Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

We had no plans for the weekend since we are all traveling next weekend when school is out so we had our own "staycation" in town. The weather was not ideal, but we did manage to do smethings outdoors to mark the beginning of summer. The girls had a great time riding their bike and trike at the park and both did so well. Anna is hoping to get her training wheels off soon. Gary and I made the mistake looking back in actually buying Anna a bike that fit her! I think had we bought a bike a little smaller she would be sailing around the neighborhood. She's so tall that we did not want to waste our money on a bike that just was too small. Oh well...she'll get it soon. We watched a few movies this weekend and I took the girls to get their nails painted. Anna had been begging for that for a while. I have now figured out that if we want Caroline to sit still then we take her to get her nails painted!! Hilarious. We are looking forward to the last week of school and heading to Dallas for Blake's birthday party. Gary's headed to his mom's house for a quick visit and to get her set up on a new laptop.

the girls on their bikes ready to go!

having fun on the swings

anna took our picture while having our snack

the girls are showing their muscles....something they do often!

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