Tuesday, October 23, 2012

4th grade to the Brooks + Chapel

Anna's class had a busy Friday! First of all they led the morning chapel for the school with a cute skit about being prepared and following God's instructions. It was cute and they had a good time with it. After chapel, they rushed back to their class to take their spelling test and Bible verse test. Then, the big ride on the school bus to the Brooks Art Museum for their first field trip of the year. They always love riding on the bus and Anna's wish is always not to be by someone quiet since she loves to talk so much. The kids enjoyed the Art Museum and Anna even suggested we come back as a family to check out what we did not have a chance to see. The kids then had a picnic lunch at the Overton Park Shell before returning to school. The weather was perfect and I was glad to be able to share some time with her class at the museum. Busy, but fun Friday for the 4th graders.

anna with mimi and papa after chapel. of course we forgot to take a picture of gary and me with her!

listening intently to their tour guide at the brooks museum

4th graders at harding

anna and i before heading over for lunch

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