Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Anna, the saver

Anna has always been a big saver of any money that she has received. She loves to save and then count what she has. She very rarely spends her money. She prefers to use gift cards received as birthday or other holiday presents and save her money. She has been very interested in opening a savings account at the bank. Right after her birthday Gary took Anna into First Tennessee with her wad of money and let her fill out the application for a savings account. Other than calling me for her social security number, she knew all her information. She was so proud of herself.

She also asked for a raise for her allowance after her birthday. She now has more chores to do to earn more money but is required to put at least $10 per month in her savings account. Last weekend she deposited $20 which was great! She really does like the process and she is like me in that regard. I was always counting and saving my money and rarely did I spend....maybe she will be an accountant one day?
anna with her money in hand waiting her turn

the customer service rep was so proud of anna!

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