Saturday, February 11, 2012

Viking Class for Valentine's

Gary and I took a "Date Night" cooking class at Viking Cooking School for Valentine's Day. It was a lot of fun and we met some fun couples. It seemed that most of the people we had a connection with either because we attend the same church, kids attend the same school, or knew some of the same people. There were 6 couples in the class. There were 3 sets of 2 couples that worked together during the class. We had a yummy filet with a homemade sauce, a salmon filet with sauce, sweet potato souffle, salad with homemade dressing and a raspberry tart for dessert. It was a fun time and we could not believe how long it had been since our last class. Great and creative way to spend our Valentine's Day!

anxious to get started cooking

the table was all set and they provided some appetizers to keep us from being too hungry!

gary with most of the finished product! so good!!

1 comment:

Anna Pearson said...

So fun! Nick and I keep talking about signing up for one of the Date Nights. Each time we decide to, we go to sign up, and it's full. Looks fun and yummy!