Sunday, February 5, 2012

Caroline gets a visit from the tooth fairy!

Caroline surprised us recently with a loose tooth! We were remembering that poor Anna did not have a loose tooth until the summer before first grade and she was literally dying to have a tooth come out. Caroline is definitely ahead of that schedule and has a different mantra for it. She kept wiggling her tooth until she wiggled it out herself. No pulling, no crying, no freaking out. Very funny. We had been at church on Saturday night and when we came back to get her from her class she had it in a tissue in her pocket. She was excited to have the tooth fairy visit and excited to be the first one of her friends to lose a tooth. She goes to the dentist on February 20th and is ready to surprise him. She is now working on other teeth to see if she can find any others that are loose!

not the best picture of caroline but at least you can see where the tooth is gone!

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