Thursday, October 27, 2011

Biography day!

Anna's class for their 2nd project of the year (remember the fjord???) had to read a biography, prepare a report on the book, and wear a costume of the person to school and present the character to the class. It was my turn to supervise the project since Gary did the fjord. We went to the library and I pulled out several books for Anna to choose from. I thought historical would be best, rather than contemporary. I could not believe there were books on Jennifer Lopez, Brittany Spears and Mariah Carey at the library. Luckily there were a few good ones that Anna could choose from. She selected Clara Barton, the founder of the Red Cross. I thought the costume turned out great with a little help from E-bay on the hat. Why are all the nurse costumes not appropriate for 8 year olds??? I thought with it being Halloween time that it would be easy. I knew we could not wear scrubs because that was not appropriate for Clara's time period. I ended up finding a white nurse dress online for not very much money and figured we could always recycle for Caroline in a few years. Anna was excited and did a great job. Found out some of the others in the class were Amelia Earheart, Betsy Ross, Houdini, Tim Tebow, Terrell Owens, Micky Mantle and Albert Einstein. Cracked me up that Tebow and Owens were presented. Not very historical, but I guess 8 year old boys like current athletes best!!

1 comment:

Rachel Baker said...

Terrell Owens? You have to be kidding.