Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grind it out Grizz!!!

This city surely does have the Grizzlies spirit. The team has been in Memphis for 10 years and has slowly built up a very viable and competitive team. We have attended a few games throughout the season but it really was at the end of the season that we started watching a lot or all of the games and hoping for a playoff spot. Anna was even into the games and logged onto ESPN Gamecast on the iPad during the games. Not such a good thing when we had set our Tivo and were behind on the game. Anna has a hard time not telling what is currently happening in the game! Caroline always checked out what color uniform the players were wearing and asked if Z-Bo was in the game. The Grizzlies played so well in the first round of the playoffs against the San Antonio Spurs and won that series 4-2. I think we were the only ones in the family not to attend a first round game so we vowed to go in the second round. The Oklahoma City Thunder is a team just like Memphis...young, small market, newer franchise and so we thought this was a good matchup. We immediately won game #1 and this was shaping up well. We finally took the girls to game #6 in Memphis on Friday night. They were THRILLED to say the least. They loved their yellow growl towels that were given to them upon entrance to FedEx Forum. They loved even more that every seat had a white "Believe Memphis" shirt on it. Of course these XL size shirts were dresses to them, but they quickly accessorized them and made them their own.

On a side note, the entertainment of the night for Gary and I outside of the game was the two females in front of us who pulled out full sized scissors and proceeded to "trim" their XL shirts on the neckline and sleeves to make it "sexy". First of all, how did they get through security with these scissors and who needs a sexy version of the Believe shirt? So funny and made for some good laughs during the time outs.

The Grizzlies came back from a 10 point deficit to win the game. Such fun and so glad we went. Yes, they lost game #7 but their season was one to remember and will carry over into next year with some excited, onboard fans! We love the Grizzlies. Caroline pointed out that yes, we love the Grizzlies, and even Memphis Tigers, but we LOVE the Auburn Tigers the most and if they were in the playoffs, we would be at their games first. Love it.

gary and anna with their growl towels. i think i was hit in the eye by anna and caroline about 25 times, but it was still fun!

we believe!

before the game and ready for it to start!

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