Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ballerina sisters

So they day has finally arrived for Caroline to start her ballet classes!! She has been talking about this forever. Anna has been taking at Ballet Memphis since she was 3 years old. They start with "Discover Dance 3" and then progressing to 4 and 5 and then by first grade you are ready for Ballet 1. Discover Dance is not really the traditional ballet with the positions however it is a lot of fun and of course a leotard is involved as well as ballet shoes so Caroline is so happy!

Anna started Ballet 2 and was happy to see so many of her friends from last year in her class. Lucky for the Zyrieks Anna and Caroline's classes are back to back on Wednesday afternoons so it is quite convenient.

I'm sure we will have lots of twirling on the way to bed tonight!

waiting for her class to start....can barely contain her excitement
anna in her blue leotard, for ballet 2!

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