Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What did she say?

My girls have created words or sayings over the years that have really made us laugh. They also have had trouble saying certain sounds which then creates funny sayings as well. So we won't forget them, I have noted a few below....

Anna: always had trouble with L's and S's:

Mary had a yittle yam, yittle yam
Ho Ho = santa
Sigh = Shy
Ayee= our dog Ally
Peas= Please
Yove= Love

Caroline: makes us words for common things

Dadum = milk (which is the main staple in her diet, so we hear it often)
Rah Rah = all baby dolls, but especially her favorite
Toyos = Cheerios
Miss Tarol = her teacher Miss Carol
Tank chew = Thank you

Of course we can interpret but when they throw in a new one we often have to use our context clues.

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