Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mary Poppins!

We bought tickets months ago anxiously anticipating Mary Poppins coming to the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis. We did not tell the girls until the day before that we were going and they were super excited. We had tickets for the Sunday 6:30 pm show. All the other evening shows were 7:30 or 8:00 and we really wanted it to be enjoyable and no exhausting. Matinees were out because of our basketball games as well. We joined several other families for an early dinner (4:30 to be exact) at the Majestic before the show. Anna said that we were joining the "old folks" crowd having dinner so early. Turns out that timing was perfect because we had very little time to spare once we made it to our seats. We had great seats, saw lots of other folks we knew and really enjoyed the show. The girls loved it when Mary flew with her umbrella and when Burt danced upside down across the stage. Great effects and music and a nice show!

caroline with nina, ava and brooke at dinner and of course i have to mention "lovey bear" from school that went home with ava for the weekend. he made lots of the photos from the night!

our group of kids....not the best quality but anna, jackson, justin, ethan, nina, brooke, ava, caroline and bailey

lighting was terrible, but the girls before the show

at intermission and having a great time.

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