Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ballet hiatus

Anna decided late this fall that she wanted to take off the spring semester from ballet. She has been at Ballet Memphis since she was 3 years old. She does well when she puts forth a good effort and she definitely has the long and lean body for ballet. We have really loved Anna having Rachel Shumake, one of the professional dancers as her Saturday teacher this fall. Anna has had to take 2x a week this fall as she started Ballet 3. I think that has not made for a happy ballet dancer in Anna and the fact that she enjoys sports and the games are usually on Saturdays means she wanted to focus on other things for the spring. We have always asked the girls to choose their activities and not to do too many things. Too much on the kids and too much on the parents and the checkbook!! But, the rule in our house is once you start something, you have to finish it. She finished the fall semester which is separate from the spring semester, so she did complete the task! I am proud of Anna for the progress she has made and for honestly choosing how she wants to spend her time. I was sad telling Rachel we were taking the spring off and she was so great about it. She personally took a year off to do gymnastics at around Anna's age and realized she really missed ballet. It was her calling in life as she is so talented. Caroline will continue with her class and we'll see what the future holds!
Anna with Rachel after last class in December

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