Friday, November 12, 2010

Kolznak's Pack hosts chapel

Anna's class hosted the chapel program this week and she was so excited!! They had been practicing for over 2 weeks and several of the parents decided this was the most organized chapel program we had seen in a while. Kudos to Mrs. Kolznak for keeping the kids energized about the program! The theme was dinosaurs and each group had a different theme. We had the "friendosaurs", the "prayerasaurs" and then we had the 'lazyosaurs" and Anna's group was the "greedyosaurs". Each showed different traits and how it was best to be good friends and to honor God with our prayers and our time. The class then led the school in the school song and a few other songs. Well done!!

Anna's a bit anxious prior to the start of the program.

the greedyosaurs in action (kennedy, logan and anna)

proud mimi and papa and little sister caroline after the program

anna did a great job!!
anna with mrs. kolznak

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