Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dentist Day

Today we had an early morning appointment at the dentist. This was Caroline's first official visit to have her teeth cleaned. Anna has a loose tooth and was very worried either a) the dentist was going to pull it or b) they were going to knock it out cleaning it and that would hurt. Anna was pretty tentative the whole time BUT she survived. Caroline really did well and sat through the entire checkup without a worry. She got her teeth cleaned and the hygenist and dentist were shocked she did so well for her first visit. Caroline was excited because she got a Dora sticker, a Dora toothbrush and from the prize wall she picked a wand which is PERFECT for princess Caroline. Anna was relieved it was done. The dentist told her that if she would just wiggle it some every day that her loose tooth would be out within the week. Also, of course, the best news a parent can receive, both girls will more than likely need braces. Thank goodness for insurance which covers 75% of that. The girls have close teeth, thanks to the Zyriek genes, and will need to floss regularly. Who can get a 2 and 6 year old to floss well?? We'll do our best. We have two "look mom no cavity kids" for another 6 months.

anna likes that the hygenist gives you sunglasses to wear while having your teeth cleaned so you don't have to look at the bright lights. the panic has not quite set in yet here.

caroline is meeting her hygenist miss jenny. be-be, one of her two baby dolls made the trip and is in the chair next to her.

anna let dr. freeman wiggle her loose tooth so he could provide a prediction.

caroline was quite the champ getting her teeth cleaned.

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